Chang’s next Roulette Strategy is the Silver Tiger Roulette Strategy. This strategy focuses on a high rate of winning games while also protecting profits. In the right hands, this strategy is the most successful Roulette strategy because it allows a skilled player. The D’Alembert – This is a steady little strategy that shows better results than flat betting when you get as many wins as losses. As far as roulette strategies go, this is one of the safest. This is a system that can only be used on even chance bets. Reverse D’Alembert – This is the opposite to the strategy above. The whole point of a roulette strategy is to first of all manage your bank roll, and secondly to increase your odds of winning over the short term by betting large to win small. For example, several of the strategies below involve increasing bets after a loss and continually increasing them until you get a win.

  1. Roulette Strategy American
  2. Roulette Strategy With Low Buy In
  3. Roulette Strategy Betting Outside Black
  4. Roulette Strategy To Win Big
  5. How To Win At Roulette
  6. Roulette Strategy That Works

So you've been playing roulette, and you're wondering if there is any strategy for winning money. I should know, because I had the same question myself. What is the best strategy for roulette?

In a nutshell, there is no strategy in terms of where and how much you should bet that will improve your odds of winning. All bets have the same expected returns on average, so there's no need to worry that you've been playing roulette badly up until now.

However, there are a few things I've learned that will minimize the risk of losing.

So here's my all-in-one strategy guide for playing roulette based on what I've learned over the years.

RankCasinoRatingPayment MethodsPayout TimeLinks
1RatingAGamesAmericanEuropeanFrenchRacetrackYesLa PartageYes
2RatingAGamesAmericanRacetrackNoLa PartageNo
3RatingB+GamesAmericanEuropeanFrenchRacetrackYesLa PartageYes
4RatingC+GamesAmericanEuropeanFrenchRacetrackYesLa PartageYes
5RatingDGamesAmericanEuropeanFrenchRacetrackYesLa PartageYes

I. Table Selection

Play European or French roulette.

Not all roulette tables are created equal. Different variants of roulette actually give you a better chance of winning than others. Here's the house edge for the most common variants:

  • American Roulette = 5.26%
  • European Roulette = 2.70%
  • French Roulette = 2.70%

Roulette Strategy American

What this means is:

  • For every $100 you wager on American roulette, you're going to lose an average of $5.26.
  • For every $100 you wager on European or French roulette, you're going to lose an average of $2.70.

Why? Because all of these variants have the same payouts when you win (e.g. 35 to 1 on a single number), but the American roulette wheel has an extra 00 pocket, which ultimately just gives you another opportunity to lose.

So if you have the option of choosing between different variants of roulette, the best strategy is to always choose European or French roulette. This way you're immediately halving the house edge, and therefore increasing your chances of winning money.

To be honest I'm amazed that casinos still offer American roulette alongside European roulette. I'm guessing that some players are still unaware of the different house edges the games offer. There is absolutely no reason to favor the American version of roulette.

Tip: European and French roulette are basically the same game; they just have different table layouts.

II. Table Rules

Play at a table with the En Prison/La Partage rule.

In addition to selecting the best roulette table, you should also look for tables that offer either of the following rules:

La Partage
  • Rule: If you bet on an even-money wager and the result is 0, you get half of your bet back.
  • Effect: Reduces house edge to 1.35%
En Prison
  • Rule: If you bet on an even-money wager and the result is 0, your bet is held on the table for the chance to win on the next spin.
  • Effect: Reduces house edge to 1.35%

In short, these beneficial rules give you the chance to get some of your money back if you've bet on an even-money wager (e.g. red/black) and the ball lands in the 0 pocket.


From a mathematical perspective both of these rules are equally as good. For example, with En Prison your money is just carried over on to the next spin of the wheel, and the chance of losing is 50% (which is equivalent to getting half of your money back with the La Partage rule).

So either way, if you see La Partage or En Prison, you're being given the option of halving the house edge once again from 2.70% to 1.35%, and you should take the casino up on their kind offer.

A smart roulette player always looks for a table that has one of these rules in operation.

Just remember that these rules only apply to even-money wagers. These rules do not help with inside bets, and so they're still subject to the standard house edge of 2.70%.

III. Betting

All bets have the same expected return over the long run.

As I mentioned at the start, there is no strategy for where you should place your bets on the roulette table. On a standard European roulette table (without La Partage or En Prison), all bets have the same house edge:

BetPayoutHouse Edge
Red / Black1:12.70%
Even / Odd1:12.70%
Low / High1:12.70%
6 Number5:12.70%
4 Number8:12.70%
3 Number11:12.70%
2 Number17:12.70%
Single Number35:12.70%

The only practical difference between the different types of bets is the frequency of winning. For example, you'll experience small but frequent wins when betting on an even-money wager like red, whereas if you choose to bet on a single number you'll experience infrequent but much larger wins.

Roulette Strategy With Low Buy In

And over the long run, the amount you win from each of these bets balances out to give you exactly the same expected return.

So in summary: no bet is better than any other at the roulette table. They all have the same expected return, so feel free to place your bets wherever you feel most lucky.

Tip: If you want to maximize your chances of winning, you should play at a table with La Partage/En Prison and stick to the even-money wagers so that you can get the benefit of the reduced house edge of 1.35% on every bet you make.

IV. Systems

Systems do not work.

There is no system that exists that can improve your chances of winning at the roulette table. The mathematics of the game is fixed, and betting systems do nothing to alter it, so you may as well bet in any pattern that you like.

Most systems are designed to increase or decrease the amount your betting when you win or lose to try and guarantee a profit. However, whilst some systems appear to work over the short term, over the long run they always fail.

  • Martingale System(doesn't work)
  • Fibonacci System(doesn't work)
  • d'Alembert System(doesn't work)
  • Cancellation System(doesn't work)
  • Paroli System(doesn't work)
  • Oscar's System(doesn't work)

For example, the most popular betting system is the martingale. The jist of it is you double your bet each time you lose, so that when you win you will recoup all of your losses and always end up with a profit. It seems to make sense, and the majority of the time it appears to work, but the fact that you're doubling your bets when you lose means that there is always a devastating loss lurking around the corner:

A classic example of the martingale system in action. You will either run out of money or hit the limit for the table before you are able to recoup your losses.

Whilst systems appear to return small but consistent wins, they also provide the occasional catastrophic loss that wipes out all your winnings (and more).

The worst thing about systems is that they often draw you in to a false sense of success, but inevitably you will always hit a bad run that goes on for longer than you thought possible, and you will be compelled to risk far more than you feel comfortable with.

In general I would advise against using systems. Technically they're no worse than any other method of betting, but ideally you want to avoid being under the illusion that you can beat the roulette table… maintaining that belief will lead you in to a dark hole.

Tip: The best system/strategy is to bet amounts that you choose for yourself and feel most comfortable with.

Roulette Strategy

V. Money Management

The greatest piece of advice that I can give to any roulette player is as follows:

Decide how much you're prepared to lose and to stick to it.

If you come to the table with a fixed amount of money in mind that you're prepared to lose, you're giving yourself a safety net that will catch you if things go wrong. The problem with the fast pace of roulette is that it's easy to get swept away and to move the limits that you're comfortable with. And the moment you go past your own limits, your heading toward an addiction that will cost you more than you bargained for.

Roulette can be enjoyable, but gambling addiction isn't.

Think of your loss limit as an upcoming test. When you hit your limit, you are given the opportunity to strengthen your resolve and walk away. If you do walk away, you have reinforced your ability to make good decisions in the face of temptation. It might seem like a minor issue at the time, but in reality it's a major victory that will serve you well for the rest of your life.

The roulette wheel can take you on a wild ride, so it's important to keep a cool head when you're playing.

So set yourself a limit, and stick to it.

Roulette Strategy Betting Outside Black

At the end of the day, the biggest cause of loss at the roulette table is not betting on the wrong color, it's falling to addiction.


What's the best strategy?

The best strategy for winning money from roulette is to minimize the amount of money you expose to the roulette wheel.

Roulette Strategy To Win Big

For example, if you want to try and win $100, your best bet is to make a single bet of $100 on an even-money wager (on a European table with a La Partage/En Prison rule) and hope to get lucky on one spin of the wheel.

The more money you wager at the hands of the roulette wheel, the more it gets eroded by the house edge. Conversely, the less money you expose to the wheel in an attempt to reach your target amount, the less your are succumbing the mathematical advantage that the casino has on every bet you make.

For example, you could make four bets of $50, or a single bet of $100, and eventually end up with a win of $100.

  • With the four bets of $50, you are exposing $200 to the wheel for an average loss of $5.40 (2.70% of $200).
  • With the one bet of $100, you are exposing $100 to the wheel for an average loss of $2.70 (2.70% of $100).

So in short, the longer your play for and the more money you place on the table, the more money you are losing on average.


The best strategy is to risk as little as possible.

What's the worst strategy?

There isn't really a 'worst strategy' for roulette, as all strategies have the same expected results over the long run.

However, the most dangerous approach to playing roulette is to use a negative progression system in the hope of beating the odds and guaranteeing yourself a profit.

With these systems you tend win small amounts of money frequently, so it feels like the system is working over the short run. However, you will eventually experience a run of bad luck that goes on for longer than you thought possible, and the losses will be absolutely devastating.

So it's not so much that a specific strategy is bad, but more the suggestion that it could work that leads you in to a deep hole.

Why doesn't strategy work in roulette?

Because the odds are fixed and there is nothing you can do to change it.


Every bet you make on the roulette table is marginally in favor of the house, so it doesn't matter where you bet or how much you bet, the casino will always have a slight edge, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to swing the odds in your favor.

Analogy: It's the same thing as me giving you lots of small negative numbers and asking you to use add them together to create a positive number. It doesn't matter what strategy or system you use for adding the numbers together, you will always end up with a (bigger) negative number.

In other casino games like poker you can use strategy to win money. This is because you're playing against other people (and not the house), and you will sometimes be dealt a hand where the odds are in your favor. In these situations the strategy is to get as much money in to the pot as possible, which means there are tactics you can use to actually win money consistently.

However, in roulette there are no tactics. All you have is a fixed set of odds, and the only strategy available to you is to hope that you get lucky and defy the laws of probability.

Tip: If you're interested in using strategy to win money in the casino, play poker instead.


The best strategy for improving your chances of winning when playing roulette can be summed up in two key tips:

  1. Play at a European or French roulette table.
  2. Play at a table that offers the La Partage or En Prison rules.

This will reduce the house edge to the smallest amount of 1.35%, which is the best possible odds you can get when playing roulette, and as a result it gives you the best possible opportunity to win money.

The casino still has the edge, so over the long run you should expect to lose more than you win.

Beyond that, you just need to set yourself a loss limit before you play and resolve to stick to it no matter what. You don't have to set a limit on how much you can win, but it's important to set yourself a limit to how much you're prepared to lose.

The Achilles heel of roulette players is addiction, and you need to protect yourself from it.

Finally, in terms of where to bet and how much to bet, that's entirely up to you. There is no perfect strategy, and all the different bets have the same expected results (over the long run), so play the game however you want.

What you will find below is a full and comprehensive list of the different roulette strategies we’ve written about, as well as tips and other pieces of information that you may find useful.

For each strategy, we’ve gone into great detail on the rules, progressions, odds of a losing run and the maths behind them. You’re welcome to test them out on our free roulette games for as long as you like.

Before we get into the various strategies, it would be best to make a few things clear. Roulette is a mathematically perfect game in favour of the casino. The house edge for European roulette is 2.7% and for American roulette it’s 5.26%.

The only way a roulette strategy could be truly effective and a guaranteed winner over the long term of play would be if it was able to eliminate the house edge and put the odds in your favour. There’s no such strategy for roulette. While that may be disappointing, please read on because the information below is the best and most detailed that you’re going to find.

The best online casino for using roulette strategies is Royal Panda. Their €0.10 – €200,000 table limits accommodate all strategies and they pay out within 24 hours when you wind. Play at Royal Panda

Roulette Strategy Without Hype and False Promises

If you’ve searched online for a system before, you’ve probably noticed that there’s a lot of junk out there with websites talking about “best winning systems” “guaranteed to win” “exploits casino flaw” “suck cash on autopilot” and many more.

How To Win At Roulette

You won’t be finding any of that rubbish below, just real world strategies and tips, without the hype and false promises. You can read about all of those systems/software programs that guarantee easy winnings in our roulette system reviews.

The whole point of a roulette strategy is to first of all manage your bank roll, and secondly to increase your odds of winning over the short term by betting large to win small. For example, several of the strategies below involve increasing bets after a loss and continually increasing them until you get a win.

By doing this, you are betting large amounts (the bets added together after each loss) to win a small amount because after your previous losses have been covered, there will only be a small profit. Quite often with progressive systems, hundreds of £/$/€ are wagered to win just 1 £/$/€.

Something else to consider is that you will have more winning sessions than losing sessions, but your wins will be small (while risking more) and on the occasions when you lose, your losses will be far greater than your wins. That is the risk of gambling and roulette is no different.

With all that said, here are the different roulette strategies we’ve written about. This list is by no means conclusive; we do add to it and we’re always open to adding ideas from our readers, so feel free to contact us if you think you have a strategy that we could write about and would be of interest to our readers.

Martingale Roulette System – This is a system that involves increasing bets after a loss until you get a win. It is commonly used on Red or Black but it can be applied all over the table if you have the correct progression. Not only have we gone through every bet, we have tables showing the overall loss at each stage and we’ve shown you the odds of going on a bad losing run i.e: 10 Reds in a row when you’re betting on Black.

Reverse Martingale – Also known as “Paroli”, this is a positive progression system where you increase your bets after a win in the hopes of riding a winning streak while keeping the losses to a minimum when you go on a losing run.

D’Alembert Roulette System – This is a strategy that is based on even chance bets. It’s a relatively safe system to use (like any strategy there’s risk involved though) and if you have as many wins as losses you will have a nice win.

Reverse D’Alembert – This is the opposite of the regular D’Alembert (above). The main downside of this system is that you need more wins than losses in order to be successful.

Fibonacci Roulette System – This is an interesting strategy that uses a slower rate of progression than the Martingale by winning back losses over several winning spins rather than one. It’s possible to have considerably more losing spins but still come out on top, providing of course that you don’t go on an extended losing run over a short space of time.

Reverse Fibonacci – Another example of a system having the rules flipped around to create a “reverse” version. In our opinion, this one isn’t as good as the normal Fibonacci which we covered above.

Labouchere Roulette System – This is sometimes called the cancellation method because you construct your own betting line and cancel numbers off it as you win. It is slightly more complicated than most other strategies and may require some practice to get your head around it.

Cover The Table – On this page we talk about several different ways that you can cover large portions of the roulette table such as betting on 35 numbers, betting on 17 splits and so on.

Flat Betting – On this page we talk about the upsides and downsides to flat betting which means betting the same amount on every spin with no progression.

Oscar’s Grind – This is a Red/Black system that play in stages of four and aims to get a profit of 1 unit for each betting cycle. It increases bets after every win and they remain the same after a loss.

Red And Black Strategies – This is a page that contains links to all the different strategies that we’ve covered that can be used on Red or Black which are by far the most popular bets.

Dozens And Columns – Here we talk about two different betting systems that can be used on either the dozens or the columns. The first is designed for betting on just one dozen or column, the second is for betting on two at the same time.

James Bond Roulette System – Used by Bond himself, not in any of the films, but in the written novels. This is a system that covers 2 thirds of the table, plus the 0. It could be described as another strategy to cover the table but due to it’s notoriety, we’ve given it it’s own page, complete with a diagram, examples and whey you shouldn’t use a progression.

Strategy for roulette at casinos

FOBT System – Short for fixed odds betting terminal, these machines are found in bookmakers throughout the UK and they are big business. Here we discuss whether or not there are any systems that can be applied specifically to them and then we go into whether or not it’s possible to cheat on them. Spoiler Alert: it’s not.

Roulette Computers – These are cheating devices that, realistically, can only be used in real casinos. Without doubt, the use of an effective computer is the best and easiest way to win at roulette, but finding such a device is difficult. Then there’s the fact that in many countries and jurisdictions, they’re illegal and you will end up in jail for using one, so for this reason, we can’t recommend them.

Roulette Tips – Here is a collection of 8 roulette tips that should be helpful to new or intermediate players. You won’t find anything new or ground breaking here, but we truly believe that this is the best collection of tips that you’re going to find on the Internet. The reason for that is because we keep it real, we don’t make false claims about “winning a fortune” like other websites; we just give useful tips to help you understand the game.

Roulette Strategy That Works

Royal Panda are a fantastic online casino. They offer numerous roulette games with €0.10 – €200,000 table limits. Better yet, they pay out within 24 hours with no questions asked. Play at Royal Panda