The Netherlands Casino


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The Netherlands is a country that is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a parliamentary democratic constitutional monarchy. The Netherlands is located in Northwestern Europe, and bordered by the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east. The capital is Amsterdam and the seat of government is The Hague.

The Netherlands is often called Holland, which is formally incorrect as North and South Holland are actually two of its twelve provinces (see terminology of 'the Netherlands'). The word Dutch is used to refer to the people, the language, and anything appertaining to the Netherlands.

Being one of the first parliamentary democracies, the Netherlands was a modern country from its very foundation. Among other affiliations the country is a founding member of the European Union (EU), NATO, OECD, WTO, and has signed the Kyoto protocol. With Belgium and Luxembourg it forms the Benelux economic union. The country is host to five international courts: the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Court and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. The former four are situated in The Hague as is the EU's criminal intelligence agency Europol. This has led to the city being dubbed 'the world's legal capital.'

The Netherlands is a geographically low-lying country, with about 27% of its area and 60% of its population located below sea level. Significant areas have been gained through land reclamation and preserved through an elaborate system of polders and dikes. Much of the Netherlands is formed by the estuary of three important European rivers, which together with their distributaries form the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta. Most of the country is very flat, with the exception of foothills in the far south–east and several low-hill ranges in the central parts created by ice-age glaciers.

The Netherlands is a densely populated country. It is known for its traditional windmills, tulips, cheese, clogs (wooden shoes), delftware and gouda pottery, for its bicycles, and in addition, traditional values and civil virtues such as its social tolerance. The country has more recently become known for its liberal policies toward drugs, prostitution, homosexuality, and euthanasia. It also has one of the most free market capitalist economies in the world, ranking 12th of 157 countries in one index. (Credit: Wikipedia).



Amsterdam is the capital and largest city of the Netherlands, located in the province of North Holland in the west of the country. The city, which had a population of around 1 million (with suburbs) on 1 January 2008, comprises the northern part of the Randstad, the 6th-largest metropolitan area in Europe, with a population of around 6.7 million.


Its name is derived from Amstel dam, indicative of the city's origin: a dam in the river Amstel where the Dam Square is today. Settled as a small fishing village in the late 12th century, Amsterdam became one of the most important ports in the world during the Dutch Golden Age, a result of its innovative developments in trade. During that time, the city was the leading center for finance and diamonds. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the city expanded and many new neighbourhoods and suburbs were formed.

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The city is the financial and cultural capital of the Netherlands. Many large Dutch institutions have their headquarters there, and 7 of the world's top 500 companies, including Philips and ING, are based in the city]. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange, part of Euronext, is located in the city centre. Amsterdam's main attractions, including its historic canals, the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank House, its red-light district and its many cannabis coffee shops, draw 4.2 million tourists annually.


Amsterdam is the financial and business capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is currently one of the best European cities in which to locate an international business. It is ranked fifth in this category and is only surpassed by London, Paris, Frankfurt and Barcelona. Many large Dutch corporations and banks have their headquarters in Amsterdam, including ABN AMRO, Akzo Nobel, Heineken International, ING Group, Ahold, TomTom, Delta Lloyd Group and Philips. KPMG International's global headquarters is located in nearby Amstelveen.
Though many small offices are still located on the old canals, companies are increasingly relocating outside the city centre. The Zuidas (English: South Axis) has become the new financial and legal hub. The five largest law firms of the Netherlands, a number of Dutch subsidiaries of large consulting firms like Boston Consulting Group and Accenture, and the World Trade Center Amsterdam are also located in Zuidas.

There are three other smaller financial districts in Amsterdam. The first is the area surrounding Amsterdam Sloterdijk railway station, where several newspapers like De Telegraaf have their offices. Also, the municipal public transport company (Gemeentelijk Vervoersbedrijf) and the Dutch tax offices (Belastingdienst) are located there. The second financial district is the area surrounding Amsterdam Arena. The third is the area surrounding Amsterdam Amstel railway station. The tallest building in Amsterdam, the Rembrandt Tower, is situated there, as is the headquarters of Philips.

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AEX), nowadays part of Euronext, is the world's oldest stock exchange and is one of Europe's largest bourses. It is situated near Dam Square in the city's centre.

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Amsterdam is the 5th busiest tourist destination in Europe, receiving more than 4.2 million international visitors annually. he number of visitors has been growing steadily over the past decade. This can be attributed to an increasing number of European visitors. 41,743 beds were located in 19,400 rooms in 351 hotels as of 2007. Two thirds of these hotels are located in the city's center. Hotels with 4 or 5 stars contribute 42% of the total beds available and 41% of the overnight stays in Amsterdam. The room occupation rate was 78% in 2006, up from 70% in 2005. The majority of tourists (74%), originate from Europe. The largest group of non-European visitors come from the United States, accounting for 14% of the total. Certain years have a theme in Amsterdam to attract extra tourists. For example, the year 2006 was designated 'Rembrandt 400', to celebrate the 400th birthday of Rembrandt van Rijn. Some hotels offer special arrangements or activities due to these years. The average number of guests per year staying at the four campsites around the city, range from 12,000 to 65,000. (Credit: Wikipedia)


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Whether you are an old hand or a newcomer to the parish, we hope you will find this website informative and useful. This Parish belongs to the Archdiocese of Southwark. We are one of ten parishes in the Deanery of Lewisham. There are details about our Patron Saint and the history of our Parish and Church on this website. Please register as a member of our parish (digitally or on paper, available here in Word or PDF format).

Dear Parishioners

As the current situation of the spread of the virus starts to fall, we have now decided to open our parish church. The Church will be open for Weekday Masses from Monday 8th February 2021 and for Sunday Masses from Sunday 14th February.

Mass will be celebrated at 9.15am every weekday. Our weekend Masses will be celebrated at Saturday 6:00pm and Sunday 9:15am and 11:30am.

Please remember that THE DISPENSATION of the faithful from the obligation to attend SUNDAY MASS remains in place for the time being. NO ONE IS OBLIGED to attend Holy Mass whilst dispensation is in effect.

All the weekday Masses and the Sunday 11:30am Mass will be live-streamed via the usual link

Please wear a face mask, sanitise your hands and kindly follow the guidance of the stewards at all times.

Since the opening of the church after the first lockdown, we have been very responsible and careful in respecting the rules given by the government for the safe use of our church. I encourage you to continue doing so as we go forward.


You can access the live streaming of the Mass by clicking here: LIVE STREAMING.

Please Note: You do not need to create a Facebook account to view the streaming. If a pop-up window appears asking you to sign in or create a new Facebook account, you can choose to ignore it by clicking 'not now' then proceed to the live streaming.

We look forward to seeing you.

With every blessing,

Fr Habte

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Pastoral Letter Concerning the Reopening of Catholic Churches for Individual Prayer

    Archbishop John issued a Pastoral Letter, dated 11th June, in advance of the forthcoming first stage of the easing of lockdown restrictions placed on Places of Worship: click here to read the full message

For up-to-date information see the weekly Bulletin and Diary. We also have a page on Facebook.

I appeal to your generosity and kindness and if your financial circumstances allow to please donate Supermarket food vouchers or cash and post in an envelope through the presbytery door at 4 Brockley Park earmarked 'SWOY Families in need Crisis Fund'.

If you are currently donating to the parish via a standing order you may wish to consider increasing the amount donated to assist with the 'SWOY Families in need Crisis Fund'.

If you are unable to leave the house and are able to donate funds to help our 'Crisis Fund', via a bank transfer, Our parish bank details are as follows:

  • NatWest Bank
  • Sort Code 60-50-01
  • Account number 79124437
  • Account name St William of York Reg Charity 1173050
  • Reference - Your name, gift aid number and 'SWOY Crisis Fund'

It would be helpful if you could please send an email to Mary at to notify your donation and gift aid number and Mary will ensure we receive tax relief.

1. Food items can also be left in the box at the back of the church for our parish families in need, food banks are in great need of donations at this time.

2. We are coordinating a telephone ministry to those in need of such contact and to arrange necessary practical assistance. If you know of anyone who may require such assistance, please contact us via email ( or telephone (020 8690 4549).

3. Please also contact Mary via telephone or email if you wish to volunteer to help parishioners by shopping, collecting prescriptions, doing errands etc.

Fr Habte

Due to rules and regulations regarding privacy in hospitals it is important toremember that if you or a relative are admitted to hospital it is your responsibility to let the staff know that you or they are aCatholic and would welcome a visit from the Catholic chaplain. It would also be helpful to let the Parish office know so that the Clergy and Parishioners can remember you and your relatives in their prayers.

Please let the parish office know if you have moved and give your new contact details.